Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Is Multi-tasking Slowing Down your Manifesting?

I'm currently working on about 250 different projects right now.

Well, at least that's what it feels like.

My mind is constantly running in about 50 different directions. I'm currently in the process of starting to build passive income online. I first heard about passive income about 3 years ago and I'm finally getting started.

Even as I'm writing this, I've already opened about 4 other tabs. The first tab was "how to follow through". Once I found an article I liked, halfway through the article, tab #2....."why can't I follow through".

Tab #3... Target hours. Yup. As I'm writing this post, I'm mentally planning my trip to Target later.

It's the internet's fault.

Damn you tabbed browsing.

If I was a kid, they would totally put me on Ritalin.

These days, it's so easy to try and do more than one thing at a time. We actually pride ourselves on being multi-taskers.

But the truth is, we aren't really doing ourselves any good by focusing on more than one thing at a time.

If I could just get myself to focus on one thing at a time, I'd have way more things accomplished than 4 half-ass projects.

I feel like over the past couple years, I've been really aware of my thoughts, and what I'm offering vibrationally. As I'm co-creating my reality, I sometimes feel like I'm not receiving what I'm trying to manifest.

Then it hit me.

Maybe the reason I'm not getting to the end result- the things I'm trying to manifest is because I never follow through on anything.

Everything is reciprocated.

I start a task, put all this energy into it. And then... I stop. No follow through.

So if I'm setting a vibration for something, I start to put all this energy behind it, and not getting a follow through, it must be because of what I'm offering vibrationally.

Easier said than done when you've spent the majority of your life multi-tasking.

I've created a habit of not following through. So how do I change that?

By creating a new habit. A habit of following through.

I was thinking back to when I was most productive. And for me, that was when I was meditating every day. I felt more focused, calm and productive.

And I was a manifesting machine! I was totally in the zone.

My new habit is to meditate daily. Even if it's a 5 minute meditation.

While there's some debate on how long it takes to cultivate a new habit, I'm gonna go with 34.

The number 34 has shown up in my life for quiet some time now. Now it's been showing up at least once a day for a few weeks.

According to Joanne Sacred Scribes, (my favorite index for Angel numbers), angel number 34 is a message from the angels to put some extra effort towards your creative endeavours to ensure that you will reap long-term rewards. Trust that the work you to today will benefit your future.

Sounds pretty accurate to me!!

I intend to cultivate this new vibration of following through, so the Universe will follow through on the things and situations I am focusing on.

Are there things that you aren't seeing all the way through? What small habit can you do everyday to turn yourself into a manifesting machine? It could be something as simple as drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up.

If we all start finishing all the things we start, we could make some big changes together!

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